An Interview with Dr. Lisa

An Interview with Dr. Lisa

  I was interviewed by @amandacastilone for her amazing Women in Wellness series. Once we got started talking it was hard to stop – our conversation was over two hours long, so this is a lengthy transcript, but SO worth the read!     Here’s some of the...
What’s Your Heroin?

What’s Your Heroin?

She sat down in my office and told me a story about a life wasted in loneliness, depression, anxiety and disordered eating. “I’m broken. I can’t live like this anymore.” I’m sure she was hoping I could order a lab test to identify what was wrong with her, or give her...
Depression. It’s not “All in your head”.

Depression. It’s not “All in your head”.

Depression is excruciating, debilitating, isolating and very real. Suggesting it’s a just a sadness that you should snap-out-of, would be kind of entertaining if it wasn’t so insulting. It is a life-threatening health situation… that many strong, amazing people do not...

Treating Andropause and Low Testosterone in Men

Recently, discussions have emerged on television, in magazines, on the radio, or by word of mouth highlighting the phrases “Low T” or “Andropause;” But what do these phrases mean? As men age, they begin to experience symptoms that fall in line with hormonal imbalance,...

Studied Natural Treatments for Memory Loss

Studied Naturopathic approaches towards cognitive impairment, memory loss, and Alzheimer’s. I have encountered a number of patients requesting more information recently about what they can do to preserve their memory as they age.  There are many books available...

Treating Hay Fever and Seasonal Allergies Naturally with Acupuncture

As the seasons change, I begin to notice my patients complaining of a drippy nose and sinus headaches with watery eyes. Some experience a combination of symptoms like sneezing and congested, nasal voices as well. Surprisingly, with a simple treatment of tiny needles...